Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Well, I know it’s been a while and for that I am sorry, but not however sorry for the amazing 2 weeks I have had, travelling and meandering through Madrid and spending the Easter long weekend with my German family in the mountains waking up to snow! Which by the way hasn’t happened at Easter time in over 20 years! Blessed! However, while I have every intention of eventually gracing all you lovely people with the highs and lows of my last 2 big adventures, there are some things that have been playing on my mind, and some things I need to say. As a precursor let me just say that I do not claim to be an expert on the following things, nor am I naive enough to believe that my opinions on these matters are the only ones...but,

After some lengthy discussions with an old friend and some deep thought recently, I have become acutely aware at just how often it seems that we, as Christians seem to think that offering up a prayer is enough to acquit us from having to actually be Christ’s hand and feet and act when someone is hurting. Please do not mistake me, I know firsthand the power and importance of prayer, believe me and I am by no means saying that praying for someone is pointless or a cop out, I do however believe that sometimes we forget that maybe, just maybe we are the answer to prayer. We are the ones God sent to help, to heal, to love? We need to have faith in action, not just in words and I do not want to get to the end of my life and realise that I never stopped to consider someone’s needs above my own. I am so tired of hearing about all that Christians do wrong or don’t do at all, not because I think Christian’s are taking a beating unnecessarily (though some are and I will never know that sort of persecution) mostly it’s because all too often the claims against Christian’s are true. For instance, the judgement thing, I recently read a blog that in essence was discussing the way so many people are “Christians” unless you happen to be, fat, poor, homeless, broken, depressed, gay, ugly, stupid, a little odd, not so fashion savvy, outspoken or somewhat different to them. If you are, well it’s just too hard to love you. BULL! 

Arghhh it makes me so mad that we think we have a right to pick and choose those that we are willing to love and help! God’s love does not discriminate. EVER. Nothing we do or say can increase or diminish His love, so how dare we only offer our love when it suits us, or is easy. I am not saying you have to be best friends with everyone, I know firsthand the toll that takes on a person, but you and I have no right to decide who is worthy of love depending on their appearance, way of life, religion, beliefs, education, status or wealth. Is it easy to give love indiscriminately? Hell NO! But does that mean we shouldn't try? NO! It means we should be depending on God to love us and then in return love His children, the ones He designed and created.

I am not a perfect, I do not love perfectly, or indiscriminately, but I want to try, I want to offer my all to the people that come my way, I don’t want to be cynical, or bitter, or a poor example of Christ. Please do not mistake me, this is not an attack on anyone in particular, if anything it is more of a discussion and battle with my own faith and knowing how to live it out in order to avoid being one of those “Christians”, I have just become so acutely aware recently of just how much people are responsible for keeping people out of Church. Generally non church goers, or non Christians, are not avoiding the faith or church because of God, but because of the people. I want to change this. I need to change this, and so, I will start with me. Just as Ghandi once said “Be the change you want to see in the world”...Thus begins the challenge to shed all I don’t want to be remembered for, and live to love. Indiscriminately.

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