Thursday, January 3, 2013

Letter to my 16 year old self

A letter to my 16 year old self

Dear Lori,
                Oh gosh there is so much I want to say to you, so much I have had to learn the hard way. However, looking back over the past ten years, which has gone by so incredibly quickly mind you, I am grateful for the lessons I have learned, the journeys I have been on, the paths I explored and the people that I met. I wouldn't change any of it, it brought me here, to this place, this time, this me. But there are a few things I want to say, things I hope make some of the darker days a little easier.

Drink more water and don’t eat mushrooms

Wear sunscreen, there really is nothing healthy about a tan, and while 26 may seem like a long time away, it will sneak up on you, far quicker than you think. And you’ll kick yourself for not choosing the 30+ sunscreen when you start seeing your first wrinkles appear and the 20 year old at the bar stops asking you for ID.

School will get better, you will be okay, and the world keeps turning even when you think failing an exam or assignment will mean the end of it. Some of your favourite memories will be made school, but when you leave, it’s not the end, it’s just the end of the beginning, be sad for a moment, hug your friends, but let go. Work hard, it will pay off, and those kids that made your cry, one day, you’ll look back and smile, and realise they did you a favour.

Your heart will get broken, and that’s ok, it will hurt, and it will feel like your world is crashing down, but I promise, the world will spin madly on, and that boy, you’ll forgive him, and in ten years time he will still be one of your greatest friends.  You’ll be glad that you were brave enough to be honest, and risk looking like a fool. It will set the tone for future strength and courage when it comes to wearing your heart on your sleeve, and I promise, you’ll never regret being honest with how you feel, even if it doesn’t end the way you had hoped. It will always be worth it in the end.

Don’t worry about not having a boyfriend, Mum was right when she said, make friends, they last longer. You’ll have plenty of time, and be glad that you didn’t waste it on boys that weren’t worth it. You will grow neck, it eventually gets longer, don’t worry, oh and eye brows? They come through too, they get thicker and darker. Love your boobs, they are not going anywhere, and certainly won’t get smaller. (at least not until you’re around 25)

Save your money, believe me, there is nothing you want or need to so bad at that age, save it. You will thank me one day, probably when your first car is stolen, or when the second one blows up, or perhaps when you roll the third one in an epic Bond style accident minus the pyrotechnics.

Forgive, your friends, your father, yourself. It will save you a lot of heart ache and pain. People come and go, that’s ok, relationships are seasonal, some last a long time, some for just the summer. But don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

Listen to your Mum, she really does know best, about pretty much everything. She’s been there, and loves you enough to tell you the truth even if it’s not what you want to here. When she tells you to stand up straight, listen to her, your back will thank you, and you’ll be able to save on chiropractic bills. She’ll always tell you if your bum looks big, or if your hair looks terrible, it may sting, but when you look back on photos, you’ll thank her. But most importantly, don’t stop talking to her, she will one day become your best friend, and quite honestly the most amazing woman you know.

Trust your instincts, turns out they are spot on most of the time, do not however listen to the voice in your head that puts you down, calls you fat, tells you that you can’t do it, that you are not enough, that you never will be. you are; are loved, you more than enough, and you can achieve anything you set your mind too, sometimes it may take a little longer than you’d like, but you’ll get there in end. We accept the love we think we deserve, you deserve more than what you are currently willing to settle for, much much more.

Don’t stop questioning, the ways of the world, how things work, God, the injustices you see. You will doubt, you will struggle, but the truth will set you free, and you’ll be okay, even in those moments where the darkness creeps in and you lose your way, the light will find you, always. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that, hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. And God will never leave you.

Stand up to the bullies, then forgive them, there is a good chance they are just as insecure and as unsure as you. Don’t dramatize everything; pick your battles because some things are just not worth the fight. Particularly with your brothers, they very quickly become bigger and stronger than you. But they also become two of your closest friends in whom you confide and turn to on a regular basis.

Buy a watch and wear it, learn to be on time, if not for your sake right now, then for mine, because I celebrate these days if I am only 10 minutes late. (And that is believe it or not quite an accomplishment).

There will be obstacle and challenges you face, at times it will feel as though you are alone and might possibly be swallowed by the pain of it all. I promise you will survive, the wounds will heal, you will learn and it will make you stronger, and you are never alone. The first year you move out of home is a tough one, be wise, you know better, and believe me when I say it is not the answer, and it is not worth it. It will change one day, I promise, you know what I mean.

You are good at listening to other people, helping with their problems, consoling them, healing them being the friend they need right when they need you. Do not however become so wrapped up in other people’s lives that you forgot to live yours. Do not let the “need to save” mask your own hurt and pain to the point where it becomes buried so deep that you forget it’s there. Let people in, let people help. Feel the hurt, feel the disappointment, then let it go, and forgive. Spend quality time with you, don’t be afraid of who you are, turns out you are actually pretty great company, with a lot to offer the world and the people in your life, not to mention yourself.

And believe me when I say, you are beautiful, you do matter, you are brave and strong and worthy. The next ten years are going to bring to you some phenomenal people, some life changing experiences, some hard lessons and heartbreak, but all of it will be worth it, because you will go on some of the most amazing adventures, and live out dreams that you haven’t even dreamt. You will create memories that will last a life time, and touch people’s lives in way you could never have imagined. Embrace life darling, jump in, take risks, and enjoy it. I promise it will all be worth it!

I love you!

Love always, 
your best friend